Yoga Straps - Definition & Function of Yoga Straps

Yoga Strap One of the reasons why some people stay away from Practicing Yoga is that they think that are not flexible enough. Yoga is not about being flexible but about strengthening your body and your spine in all directions with the goal of creating a union between the body, mind and spirit. All that matters is for you to try to perform the pose the right way without pushing yourself too far. By doing this you will develop flexibility, strength and become more energetic.

You are not expected to do the pose perfectly on your first try. It takes time to master a Yoga Pose and requires a lot or perseverance and patience. You also have to remember that Yoga is not a competition. Do not push yourself too far. If you feel pain or discomfort as you push on a pose, pause or stop and try again next time. Yoga Props, however, are designed to help you in move deeper into a pose or perform a perfect pose.

Among these Yoga Props is the Yoga Strap which is highly beneficial for Beginners. Yoga Straps may either be made out of cotton or nylon. These allow you to grasp your limbs that you couldn't reach or hold the pose longer. Yoga Straps are particularly useful in bound poses when your hands could not reach the other or for poses wherein you need to hold your feet but could not reach it. It can be used to hold your leg in a Trikosana, stretch your shoulder in the Shoulder Stretch Exercise, and a lot of other Yoga Postures.

Yoga is a highly beneficial tool in achieving a healthier body, as well as a relaxed mind and deeper sense of self-knowledge. Practice may not be that easy especially for Beginners, but through perseverance and patience, you will be able to reap the rewards of Yoga Practice - a relaxed mind, healthier and more flexible body, and positive attitude towards life. It is also proven to be an effective stress management exerciseand supplementary treatment to chronic ailments such as Asthma, Diabetes, Arthritis, and Hypertension.
